Moderation Regulations



This regulation has been developed in accordance with Achievement NZ QMS Policy 4.07 and 4.08.

Achievement NZ moderation process will ensure that:

  • Assessments are consistent with the required standard
  • Assessments are fair and valid
  • Assessors make similar and consistent judgements about learner performance
  • Assessors receive feedback enabling them to improve their assessment skills

Achievement NZ moderation includes:

  • Pre-assessment external moderation
  • Post-assessment internal moderation
  • Post- assessment external moderation

The Academic Manager has overall responsibility to ensure moderation regulations, policies, procedures and practices are in place and followed.


Moderator's Responsibilities

A moderator’s responsibility includes:

  • Judging each Programme Manager impartially on the basis of the work submitted
  • Comparing Programme Manager performance with that of other Programme Managers facilitating the same or similar programmes
  • Being familiar with assessment tasks, programme structure and other activities contributing to assessment outcomes
  • Ensuring assessments are conducted appropriately and are authentic
  • Providing constructive feedback that enables Programme Managers to improve their assessment skills
  • Summarising moderation feedback so other Programme Managers running similar programmes can learn from moderation results
  • Having achieved Unit Standard 11551 – Moderate assessment


Moderator Feedback

The purpose of feedback to Programme Managers will be to further upskill and enhance assessment competency.
Feedback from the moderator will be:

  • Informative and promotes continuous improvement
  • Timely
  • Supportive of good assessment
  • Clear and direct
  • Confined to relevant aspects of the material and assessment decision

Moderator feedback will be posted on the Learner Management System for the Programme Manager and Academic Manager to view.

Details of corrective action required will be discussed between the Internal Moderator and Academic Manager to ensure support and/or training is in place for the Programme Manager.
Serious misjudgement by an assessor may lead to suspension of assessment until the necessary training and support is provided.
Alternative arrangements for learner assessment will be made to ensure learner progress and opportunity for assessment is not interrupted.


Preassessment Moderation

The purpose of pre-assessment moderation is to evaluate new and reviewed assessment material prior to use, to determine that it is valid, sufficient, fair and assessment practices are appropriate.
Assessment material include, but are not limited to: assessment tasks and instructions, assessment schedules, evidence collection documentation.

Pre-assessment moderation is conducted by a qualified External Moderator.


Internal Post-assessment Moderation

The purpose of internal post-assessment moderation is to ensure approved assessment materials are used and that the Programme Manager has followed the correct assessment process and has applied the evidence and standards of performance in accordance with the assessment requirements.

Post-assessment moderation is conducted by the Internal Moderator.

The Internal Moderator will maintain a five year Moderation Plan and an Annual Moderation Plan. The plans are approved by the Academic Manager.

At least 15% of unit standards delivered on a programme and two assessments completed for each selected unit standard are moderated annually.


Assessment Selection

The selection of unit standards for internal post-assessment moderation is based on one of the following criteria.

  • Is challenging to complete and assess e.g. where various answers are accessible and assessor discretion is required
  • Is commonly used and creates large volumes of assessments
  • Is not often completed by learners.
  • Is a new unit on the course
  • Feedback indicates that there has been difficulty with the assessment in the past.
  • A marginal decision is likely
  • Has not been moderated within the last 3 years

To ensure Programme Managers receive timely feedback on their assessing, moderation requests are made to Programme Managers when they result the scheduled result through the Learner Management System.
Programme Managers will receive moderation feedback no later than two weeks after submitting their assessments for moderation.


External Post-assessment Moderation

The purpose of external post-assessment moderation is to ensure that Achievement NZ assessing meets the requirements of national standard setting bodies.

The Internal Moderator will coordinate external moderation requirements with the relevant standard setting bodies.

Achievement NZ will engage in standard setting body moderation processes.
Each standard setting body has their own processes. These may include:

  • Submitting annual Assessment Intention Plans
  • Sending assessments to Standard Setting Bodies for moderation
  • Attending moderation workshops or cluster meetings
  • Peer moderation
  • Participating in organisation moderation visits

All external moderation feedback is summarised and distributed to all relevant Programme Managers throughout Achievement NZ.
The Internal Moderator will arrange for any necessary training and support if required.


Programme Specific External Postassessment Moderation

Hospitality Programmes

Achievement NZ are engaged in external moderation with the following Standard Setting Bodies for this programme.

  • NZQA – National Qualification Services
  • ServiceIQ


An annual Assessment Intention Plan is submitted to NZQA.
Selected assessments will be sent to the External Moderator prior to the deadline date.
A plan is developed by the Internal Moderator to respond to any actions required following external moderation.
NZQA is advised of any changes to the annual Assessment Intention Plan.


In accordance with current external moderation requirements set by ServiceIQ, Achievement NZ will participate in peer moderation workshops and other moderation training events hosted by ServiceIQ.
A plan is developed by the Internal Moderator to respond to any actions required f
ollowing external moderation.
ServiceIQ will be advised in writing one month in advance, if Achievement NZ is intending to assess against unit standards in any domains that they have not assessed against in the previous 12 months.


Automotive Programmes

Achievement NZ are engaged in external moderation with the following Standard Setting Bodies for this programme.

  • Motor Industry Training Organisation – MITO unit standards
  • NZQA – National Qualification Services

The Internal Moderator will notify the MITO National Moderator of Achievement NZ's annual assessment intentions at the beginning of the calendar year.
Selected assessments will be sent to the External Moderator for post-assessment moderation prior to the deadline date.
In accordance with current external moderation requirements set by MITO, Achievement NZ will participate in post-assessment moderation regional workshops offered by MITO.
A plan is developed by the Internal Moderator to respond to any actions required
following external moderation.

An annual Assessment Intention Plan is submitted to NZQA.
Selected assessments will be sent to the External Moderator prior to the deadline date.
A plan is developed by the Internal Moderator to respond to any actions required following external moderation.
NZQA is advised of any changes to the annual Assessment Intention Plan.


Information Technology Programmes

Achievement NZ are engaged in external moderation with the following Standard Setting Bodies for this programme.

  • NZQA – National Qualification Services
  • NZQA – Business and Management

An annual Assessment Intention Plan is submitted to NZQA.
Selected assessments will be sent to the External Moderator prior to the deadline date.
A plan is developed by the Internal Moderator to respond to any actions required following external moderation.
NZQA is advised of any changes to the annual Assessment Intention Plan.


Active Programmes

Achievement NZ are engaged in external moderation with the following Standard Setting Bodies for this programme.

  • Skills Active – Skills Active unit standards
  • NZQA – National Qualification Services

Skills Active
Achievement NZ will be advised of their moderation requirements by letter (either postal or electronic) at the beginning of each quarter.
Selected assessments will be sent to the External Moderator for post-assessment moderation prior to the deadline date.
Skills Active Aotearoa may arrange a cluster group within regions if technical support and guidance will benefit organisations.
A plan is developed by the Internal Moderator to respond to any actions required
following external moderation.

An annual Assessment Intention Plan is submitted to NZQA.
Selected assessments will be sent to the External Moderator prior to the deadline date.
A plan is developed by the Internal Moderator to respond to any actions required following external moderation.
NZQA is advised of any changes to the annual Assessment Intention Plan.